ou found this photograph cool right? This shot was taken in Gorkhey village, Darjeeling, West Bengal. Well, probably you people dont know the toil we used to spend behind these super junkie shots. we probably were attempting just trial & error method for consecutive 03 hours , just to try these things out.Sipping hot tea in Gorkhey, Darjiling
If you ask me how is the feeling of having sips of hot tea in hilly region in month of December?
I’d definitely answer you – “Its awesome dude !”
Just imagine, you’re sitting in a place where temperature is around 3-4 degree C in day time,
Saint pose in Gorkhey, WB
ts been a long time, I had returned from Falut Trek, though the experience was not faded away, even infact I remembered the each moment of thrills still now. Here, I have attached an image which is in a saint pose, sitting over a stone. The photo was captured by soumyadipta,