ell at the very first of all, Happy International Women’s Day to all those women/ girls who read my blog everyday, follow important updates. Basically there is no need to celebrate Women’s Day, because we know whats the importance of a woman in life – her roles as a mother, as girlfriend, as wife, as a sister always unforgettable. A mother or a wife is such persons who bear all the problems, all issues of lives & they deliver their best to make a better, healthier family. we can never forget the importance of women in lives.
Womens day celebration in office
Today in office, we too celebrated this day & shared our regards towards the female employee – Sanchita Di. Before starting this occasion, we mentioned this same thing that we really care for women in our lives, then probably there’s no need to celebrate women’s day, as never we celebrate world men’s day. We should treat a female employee among us as a normal employee. We held some funs together.
I’m sharing some ideas which you can rotate in your corporate or personal life to celebrate this. This will definitely bring an inner pleasure within you.
This day whenever you meet a woman in the morning, greet her with a big real smile, appreciate her efforts, values, make a positive gesture towards her.

International Women’s day celebration at JIO Ceneter
You can wear a purple ribbon, since purple is the color signifying empowerment, so in office you can start the trend for that day motivating others to show that you all are into women empowerment for that day or that week.
Be kind to yourself & be it to others. Arrange a session in the gaps of your strict working schedule, discuss the cause, share some words or your views about role of women in your life, may be your mother or your wife, or sister or even your caring girlfriend.
Be informed. Always make time to learn from others (your women colleagues) about what they are thinking, what are the issues they face sometimes. If you’re into a leadership role in an organization then be compassionate in asking about her. Also discuss about poverty, inequality, injustice happening around the globe. Come on its International Women’s Day.
If you’re holding a noble cause, you can promote your care to a greater cause. Maybe you’ve already heard about it but never did it before. So its the time you can start volunteering locally. Even you can support the cause overseas. You can fundraise several organizations in the world who are fighting for women rights, wellness. You can also read up these great ideas. Even, if you’re an Indian citizen & having some great thoughts to donate for indian women empowerment, You can donate to Indian women & child welfare trust too.
Sometimes use your social channel to educate or empower others about gender equality. Its not necessary always that you end up with a long story or creative videos, even sometimes littles words are powerful enough.
There are national & international laws which protect Women’s rights. so lever let anyone treat you less than you deserve.
Happy International Women’s Day!
share a gift with your mother, sister, wife, girl-friend. Make them surprised.
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