ince I have joined in Asansol, I’ve learned to starve. No, definitely I’m not complaining about life, but I’m quite habituated with this feel. Its may be a break fast time, or a lunch time – I know I’ve an added benefit that I can remain starving.No one wants to stay starved, untill he has some serious issues with foods or other circumstances. Well, I’ve categorized this thing in threes parts.
When you’ve no time : (Yes I mean No Time)
Courtesy: www.testingexcellence.com
Yes, Time here is a big concern, loads & loads of work pressure, & only you can feel how much faster yo can act as a multi tasker. These smart phones with quad-octa core processors will surely fail to your performance. some sales person need some report, some state head quarter manager wants a technical report, or people from Mumbai wants some activities to be performed by you at outdoor. Then another big rounds of VC (Video conference) with several circle altogether.And how much time we participate in CC (Con calls), the number is countless. After all these activities, if you think some time is spare for lunch, toilet, washroom activities those will go to the bucket of Ticket closing activity by customers. So, seriously you will not track your day – the sun will appear to middle of the sky & will set, but your position would remain the same within the closed walls.
When you’ve no food: (I wish if I get some boiled rice/ dry roti at least)
Courtesy: sellthekidsforveganfood.tumblr.com
Carrying foods from home is a myth here, I guess there are some lucky persons are here, who belongs to his family & they carry lunch with them – I seriously call them blessed persons. Though I’m not one of them. If I step out from office I find myself middle of nowhere – Yes except a slum area which dont consist a single shop. so the surrounding areas of my office are like dessert with no locality. Only one thing I can opt – heading to the Reliance Market (its just at the bottom of my office) , some purchase of bananas, cup noodles, apples (You may thing this is nice, but these are not worthy for everyday’s lunch).
When you’ve no transportation: (Either have your bike or walk alone)
So, transportation is a big matter if you’re living in Asansol, because the area is huge , and the transport system isnot like a typical city where each nodes are connected to another by bus, auto etc. If you need to move 1km from a point (other than main road, highway areas) you must book an auto, the share auto system isnot valid here. so at the morning reaching office in time is a big factor. The same incident is applicable when you want to go for lunch, because no auto, no rickshaw, no taxi . If you’ve your own bike or some other kind person (your co-worker) wants to give you ride for lunch – this is to be considered as a biggest thing of the day. So, either cross your fingers or walk some kilometers on your feet . In the second case, dont forget to carry an umbrella , no one knows you may fall sick for the scorching heat of the sunny day.
so compiling these cases altogether I generally prefer to stay starved, or to have some biscuits, fruits in the most hungry moment, Just imagine the pain.